CHUFC Shorts and Socks Have Arrived!

10 May by Tanya Freeman

All CHUFC Members,

Good News!

The CHUFC Canteen at Field 1, Fred Caterson is now fully stocked with all sizes of CHUFC Shorts and CHUFC Socks.

These can be purchased from the Canteen anytime it is open over the weekend (usually Sat 8am-3pm). If the grounds are closed and games are washed out, the canteen will not be open.

Coaches, Managers and Age Coordinators, please make sure all your parents and players are aware of apparel now being available and where they can purchase from (some parents/players are not on TeamApp) .

Players have 2 weeks to get the correct playing gear.

Thank you.


Caterson Dr, Castle Hill NSW 2154, Australia